Monday, April 20, 2009

War Poem

I ran and ran after my friends
Fun and joy in the air,
Running up mountains and hills
Bathing in the illustrious Mekong River
Dancing in the hot padi fields
Opium hides in street corners
Popping its head out of pockets
People praying for wealth and health
What a peaceful sight

Good things never last
Soon our land will split into two
North and South, so hostile, such animosity
And soon a calamity befell on us
Soldiers marched onto our land
Pain and suffering held up their heads behind them

I ran and ran away from the soldiers
Our peaceful land soaked with blood,
Bombings, gun sounds, tanks, invaded and brought our villagers away from us
Those times, we begged for death,
As it was a living hell,
Joy departed, along with my father.
20 YEARS, from babies to teens,
Teens to adults,
Adults to of old age.
Aftermath of the war resulted in destruction.

Tears crept out from my eyes,
As I related this story to my descendants,
Of what a good life they had.
Of what soldiers deprived us of
Of what why this could happened to innocent people.
Let justice be brought upon of those guilty,
And not us!

Posted by HarassedBoy at 3:04 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

vietnam war pictures

vietnamese woman holding a gun

map of the vietnam war

vietnamese villagers killed by the US soldiers

Posted by HarassedBoy at 9:23 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dog Soldiers

Dog Soldiers

Trained to fight in Nam
Alongside the infantryman
Four legs and a wagging tail
Devoted to serve and not fail
Dog handlers by their side
Closest friends on this ride
On a chopper in the sky
Hitching rides on boats nearby
Dogs or soldiers just the same
In a war so full of shame
Going home to try and forget
What war has done to these pets

- Paul Cameron -


This poem about the K-9 warriors (specially trained dog) in Vietnam.
I think this poem is trying to say that the Vietnam war is "so full of shame", the dogs should not be trained to fight in a war, that's why the poet wrote "What war has done to these pets"

Posted by HarassedBoy at 3:43 AM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Background Information of Vietnam War

The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict, or often in Vietnam the American War occurred in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1959[1] to April 30, 1975. The war was fought between the communist North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other member nations of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).

The Vietcong, the lightly armed South Vietnamese communist insurgency, largely fought a guerrilla war against anti-communist forces in the region. The North Vietnamese Army engaged in a more conventional war, at times committing large-sized units into battle. U.S. and South Vietnamese forces relied on air superiority and overwhelming firepower to conduct search-and-destroy operations, involving ground forces, artillery and air strikes.

The United States entered the war to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. Military advisors arrived beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s and combat units were deployed beginning in 1965. Involvement peaked in 1968 at the time of the Tet Offensive. Despite a peace treaty signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued. In April 1975, North Vietnam captured Saigon. North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year.

The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities, including 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from both sides, 1.5 to 2 million Laotians and Cambodians, and 58,159 U.S. soldiers.

Posted by HarassedBoy at 11:07 PM

War poem

Bald patches of foliage
Like soldiers of the cruel war

Posted by HarassedBoy at 9:00 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009

Points 4 5 6

[b]What countries/armies fought in this war?[/b]
The following :

People's Republic of China
South Korea
Australia and New Zealand
Soviet Union
North Korea
Canada and the ICC
Nicaragua] and Paraguay

[b]When did the war begin and end officially?[/b]
1. It started in 1959,
2. and ended in April 30, 1975

[b]How was the war fought? With what technology?[/b]

The Vietnam war was to be fought as a limited war as to not set off a chain of events to start the a nuclear war with the communists. The idea was to bomb the North Vietnamese back to the bargaining table. Weapons of the United States and South Vietnam
• M-14 Rifle
• M-16 Rifle
• CAR-15 Assault Rifle
• M-1/M-2 Carbine Rifle
• M-67 Recoilless Rifle
• M-72 Light Anti-tank Weapon
• M-20 Rocket Launcher
• M-79 Grenade Launcher
• M-203 Grenade Launcher
• Browning .50 Cal Machine Gun
• Browning .30 Cal Machine Gun
• M-60 Machine Gun
• M-3 A-3 Grease Gun
• M-1928 Thompson Sub Machine Gun
• M-1911 Handgun
• M-36 Handgun

Weapons of the Vietcong and North Vietnam
• AK-47 Assault Rifle
• Chicom Type-56 Rifle
• Simonov SKS Rifle
• RPD Machine Gun
• Type-24 Heavy Machine Gun
• PPSh41 Sub Machine Gun
• MAT-49 Sub Machine Gun
• RPG-7 Rocket Launcher
• 81 mm Mortar
• 75 mm Recoilless Rifle
• Tokarev Handgun
• Makarov Handgun

Also with chemical warfare - "Rainbow Herbicides"—Agent Pink, Agent Green, Agent Purple, Agent Blue, Agent White and, most famously, Agent Orange
For enemies hiding their activities under triple-canopy jungle. it was a useful first step might be to defoliate certain areas.

Posted by HarassedBoy at 8:08 AM

Who were the key players involved in Vietnam War?

* North Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh
* South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu
* Chairman of China Mao Ze Dong
* USA president Truman
* USA president John F. Kennedy
* USA president Lyndon B. Johnson
* USA president Nixon (guilty of Watergate case )
* USA president President Gerald R. Ford

Posted by HarassedBoy at 8:04 AM